Novel: A Stake in Murder
Author: Donald Allen Kirch
Publisher: Double Dragon Publishing
Genre: Paranormal/Horror
Rating: Mature due to violence
Captain Darren Matheson, of the L.A.P.D. Homicide Division was a pleasant enough fellow. But when the FBI uses him to track down news reporter Sebastian Hemlock as a "special investigator" he understandably is curious. Hemlock, learning that he had failed with his original killing of an undead creature, seeks a chance to redeem his integrity as well as gaining back the woman he had once loved. Captain Matheson thought the whole case as nothing but a waste of time. He had a murderer to catch!
Sebastian Hemlock had once been a respected news reporter. "Mister News" is what they used to call him. If there was a story to be found out, he usually was the one who uncovered it. That was until Phoenix, Arizona.
In 1991 the police were working on a series of murders. The victims were all drained of blood, the officials were not talking, and Hemlock soon discovered why. The killer was a vampire! With only his FBI friend to assist, the reporter went ahead, investigated, and tracked down the killer to destroy it.
Hemlock was soon betrayed!
After the vampire was laid to rest, Hemlock was shamed, fired, and couldn't get a job anywhere. His best friend turned on him, his girl left, and he was reduced to a tabloid job in Kansas City, Missouri.
Now...the vampire has returned!
We tell our children that there are no such things as monsters. We comfort them with the knowledge that we will always be there to protect them. What happens when we are proven wrong?
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