Title: The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Putty
Author: Steve LeBel
Genre: science fiction / fantasy for young adult and adult
Description: A young god graduates from God School and gets his dream job of building his first universe. Plagued by a school rival and aided by his friends, he struggles to build a universe he can be proud of.
ISBN-13 (ebook edition): 9780991055418 (June 1, 2014)
ISBN-13 (print edition): 9780991055401 (September 1, 2014)Length: 120k words, approximately 410 pages
Publisher: Argon Press (www.argonpress.com)
Reviews: as of this time, we have 76 reviews on Amazon, averaging 4.8 stars.
Available: Amazon.com and retail stores such as Barnes & Noble.
Book Site: www.TheUniverseBuilders.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SteveLeBel.author
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SteveLeBel
GoodReads: www.GoodReads.com/SteveLeBel
Buy on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1kEuW0y
Fresh with his diploma from God School, a young god tries to build his first universe.
Plagued by a deadly enemy and aided by his friends, he struggles to make a world to be proud of.
Title: The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Putty
Author: Steve LeBel
Genre: science fiction / fantasy for young adult and adult
Description: A young god graduates from God School and gets his dream job of building his first universe. Plagued by a school rival and aided by his friends, he struggles to build a universe he can be proud of.ISBN-13 (ebook edition): 9780991055418 (June 1, 2014)ISBN-13 (print edition): 9780991055401 (September 1, 2014)Length: 120k words, approximately 410 pages
Publisher: Argon Press (www.argonpress.com)Reviews: as of this time, we have 76 reviews on Amazon, averaging 4.8 stars.Available: Amazon.com and retail stores such as Barnes & Noble.
Book Site: www.TheUniverseBuilders.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SteveLeBel.author
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SteveLeBel
GoodReads: www.GoodReads.com/SteveLeBel
Buy on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1kEuW0y
Fresh with his diploma from God School, a young god tries to build his first universe.
Plagued by a deadly enemy and aided by his friends, he struggles to make a world to be proud of.
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