Thursday, December 15, 2011

ice finger of death !

Frozen Planet Brinicle ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic

Wow have you seen this?  I mean it !
This is fantastic filming

With timelapse cameras, specialists recorded salt water being excluded from the sea ice and sinking.

The temperature of this sinking brine, which was well below 0C, caused the water to freeze in an icy sheath around it.

Where the so-called "brinicle" met the sea bed, a web of ice formed that froze everything it touched, including sea urchins and starfish.

The unusual phenomenon was filmed for the first time by cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for the BBC One series Frozen Planet.

If you would like to see more on the Antarctic see the books we have linked to Sir David Attenborough and the decendants of Antarctic explorers such as Scott, Wilson, Shakelton and Skelton

Visit our website for more details

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