Friday, December 3, 2010

yes they may look slightly different in shape and we keep them hidden under our panties but they all do the same thing and that is to say we are Female and can breed

OK I know it is a bit personal but you have to admit it, we all have one because we are Female, yes they may look slightly different in shape and we keep them hidden under our panties but they all do the same thing and that is to say we are Female and can breed.

Yes the family brand is located on ether your left or right hip and tells the world you are a girl and what family owns you and what rank you are in the Nest.

Family brands can be so tacky looking, mine looks like a pink bat like who would come up with having a bat as a secret family sign, and what’s so secret about a family sign when you’re Aunt buys you a jumper designed with a large pink bat across your chest.

As to being Secret! Everyone knows us as the Pink Bat Family! I have pink bat earrings I even have little pink bats on my underwear! What does my Aunt think I am, Five!?

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