Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It is Gods will and Good for a Girl to Wear a Burqa

Fangs Rule: A Girls Guide to Being a VampireFangs Rule: A Girls Guide to Being a Vampire
It is Gods will and Good for a Girl to Wear a Burqa and if you have a body that needs to wear Drop Crotch Trousers then please do us all a favor and hide it in the Burqa black sack! Now !!!!

Have you seen this new fashion ………DROP CRUTCH TROUSERS FOR GIRLS ….. And they are UGLY !!!!!! 

Guys would be more turned on by you wearing a Niqab and dark glasses before seeing you in one of these !

As I said before .............Trust me I am a Vampire ……………….. if this is your body shape then a Burqa is what you need:

For the Good of society please cover yourself up ......and now!

This is How to make a Burqa :....................

The burqa is a facial garment worn by women of some Islamic traditions. It may cover the entire body (where normal clothing is worn underneath), the whole face or worn around the face. In stricter traditions, women must wear it whenever they go out in public, and only remove it when they are in their own households. More liberal traditions allow women to wear it similar to a hood, where the face is fully shown. This article will guide you on how to make such a garment.
o                                1
Cut your selected material to one of two lengths: 28 inches wide by 60 inches, or 28 inches by 78 inches. You may cut this yourself with fabric scissors or have it cut at a fabric store.
o                                2
Sew the edges of your fabric. You may do this by hand, but it is recommended that you use a sewing machine. This will seal the edges of the burqa so that it does not fray or unravel.
o                                3
Place the fabric over your head, with one side longer (about 30 percent) than the other. Pin the fabric under your chin. Place the longer side over your other shoulder.
o                                4
Take the length you placed over your shoulder and put it up against (or even above) your ear. Pin this length behind your head, tight enough so that it does not loosen during normal movement.
o                                5
The extra length hanging behind your head is up to you to style. You may keep it there to hang or wrap it around your neck. You may also drape it over your shoulder.


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