Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sex and the female vampire …………. No matter what species you are a relationship with the opposite sex is always a problem …………….

Sex and the female vampire …………. No matter what species you are a relationship with the opposite sex is always a problem …………….

I know it is my fault …..sigh…….. but then again it is always my fault ………….. I am just waiting for someone to blame me for the increase in oil prices ……. So before anyone says anything ………yes I am sorry it is my fault petrol is going up in price…………..  ok happy now?

Now if I was a lesbian life would be easier …well I would know what everything did……… er ….ok I would know what ……….. most things did on a female body …………..  and heck if I did not then I could practice on my own in advance ……………..  sigh ……. But no I am a good girl ……….and good girls do not do such things or your teeth will all drop out ………..never did understand that ………..but so much stuff from my childhood is the reason why I am like I am….and yes I still have all my own teeth so that proves I am a good clean leaving vampire girl and have fangs to prove it……………

Ok so it was not all my fault …….he was also to blame …………….. I believe in having a nice romantic date with a guy …….all normal stuff when out with a guy he has to be er…well ………er………. Tall , Rich and Hung like a Horse.. ……… see just the normal stuff that any girl would want for a date.

And a date means …..Chocolates …….Flowers …and a very Expensive Meal ………………it does not mean waving something in front of my face and then complain when I bite it!  ……………I can still hear the screams now ………..well I was hungry and as I said chocolate ………..Flowers and a very Expensive Meal first………..then perhaps I would just and taken a look and burst out laughing ……….. Well I not a doctor why the heck show me in the first place unless it is for amusement. …next time he could just tell a joke …………. And besides when you date a vampire and her tummy begins to make noises …… means Chocolates …….Flowers …and a very Expensive Meal ……………and very quickly or expect to be the first course on the menu  !!!

Relationships are always a problem …….sigh……………..

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